Expertise. Engagement. Reliability.

Lawyers & tax consultants.
Together for companies, institutions
& private individuals.

Expertise. Engagement. Reliability.

Lawyers & tax consultants.
Together for companies, institutions
& private individuals.


Individual solutions for your concerns

The attorneys-at-law and tax consultants of Seitz Weckbach Fackler & Partner from Augsburg (Germany) advise companies trading regionally, nationally and internationally and private clients in all legal matters. A long-standing practice in negotiations and court proceedings, international experience, membership and involvement in national and international associations as well as participation in research and teaching guarantee extensive expertise and support in national and international points of legal issues. At the same time, we emphasize the interdependencies of legal, commercial and tax aspects.

Legal advice

We are at your side with our many years of expertise in legal issues as a competent, experienced and reliable partner.

Tax advice

We offer our clients individual and high-quality tax advice on all areas of tax law on fair terms.


We support you as qualified mediators in the out-of-court settlement of a conflict. Disputes can thus be resolved permanently and satisfactorily for all parties.

External legal department

We take over all activities of an in-house legal department for companies and are at your disposal for your legal questions.
Our practice areas

Our expertise in a variety of legal areas

Specialization, permanent further education and training as well as interdisciplinary cooperation of the lawyers within our law firm, but also with our cooperation partners and colleagues at home and abroad form the basis of our expertise. As a result, we offer you expert knowledge that is always up-to-date with the latest changes in the law in all our specialist areas and guarantee you optimal legal advice.

Labour & Social

Labour Law

Social Law

Marriage & Family

Marriage Law

Family Law

Inheritance Law & Wealth Succession

Inheritance Law & Wealth Succession

Money & Tax

Capital Markets and Securities Regulation


Tax and Fiscal Law

Debt Collection and Enforcement


Food Law

Medical Law

Real Estate, Construction & Tenancy

Architects & Engineers

Building Permission & Area Development Planning

Construction Contracts

Real Estate Sale and Purchase

Rent & Tenancy



Commercial Mediation

Sports & Leisure

Horse / Equine Law

Sports Law

State & Administration

Civil Service Law

State-Church Law

Constitutional Law

Public Procurement Law & Public Construction Law

Administration Law

Criminal Law

Criminal Proceedings

Fiscal Offences

Economic Offences

Insurance & Traffic

Traffic Law

Insurance Law

Commercial & Corporate


Data Security

Data Security Officer

Energy Law

Corporate & Company Law

Trade- & Sales Law

IT & Internet

Antitrust Law

Mergers & Acquisitions

Trademark Law


Copyright Law

Competition & Industrial Property Law


We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as possible.

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